HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (2024)

Thanks to our donors, partners, and supporters, UNFPA has continued working for women, girls, and young people around the region throughout 2022, to advance their sexual and reproductive health and rights and help achieve a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

Here isa selection of stories we published during 2022, highlighting some of our key initiatives:

Asia and the Pacific is the most disaster-prone region in the world. In 2022, the region continued to witness a staggering number of complex crises and disasters, both natural and manmade. In the face of these emergencies, UNFPA effectively responded to ensure the safety and dignity of women and girls through our humanitarian action, working with partners on the ground. We did this by supporting girls and women in accessing sexual and reproductive health services as well as prevention of and responding to gender-based violence across the region, including in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tonga, and more.

State of World Population Report 2022: Seeing the Unseen

Half. That’s the share of pregnancies across the world that women and girls do not deliberately choose. As part of the regional dissemination of the global State of World Population Report 2022, UNFPA Asia- Pacific Regional Director, in his opinion-editorial, highlighted how the report's findings on unintended pregnancy relate to the lives of women and girls across Asia and the Pacific.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (1)

Innovating for Equality & Inclusion

In a rapidly changing world, we need dynamic solutions to meet the needs of women and girls and deliver sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. This is especially important given the diverse context we operate in across Asia and the Pacific.

This collection of stories highlights UNFPA Asia-Pacific’s life-changing innovations that aim to advance the rights of women, girls, and the most marginalised across our region.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (2)

UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Leadership Meeting

After 3 years of virtual collaboration, the Asia-Pacific Regional Office hosted its first in-person Regional Leadership Meeting from 9-13 May 2022 in Bangkok to create, innovate and mobilize action for the three transformative results: zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning, and zero incidents of gender-based violence and harmful practices.

The leadership alliance across the region engaged in dialogue and discussions with one another, and with experts and changemakers to ensure no one is left behind in advancing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people across Asia and the Pacific.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (3)

#ForEveryAge of Her Life

Continuing UNFPA’s multi-year regional advocacy campaign, #ForEveryAge, this year, UNFPA Asia-Pacific, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, jointly delivered a photo exhibition titled ‘#ForEveryAge of Her Life’.

The exhibition, launched on the International Day of Older Persons, 1 October 2022, in Tokyo, Japan, explains the life-cycle approach through 10 photos showcasing the crucial stage through the journey of a woman’s life and the need to ensure investments are made at each stage of her life - from childbirth to adolescence to adulthood. On this occasion, our Regional Director, called on countries to adopt this life-cycle approach to address population ageing in hisopinion-editorial.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (4)

Promoting gender equality is key to ending son preference

Calling for renewed attention to address the undervaluing of girls, UNFPA brought together decision-makers, experts, and civil society representatives from eight countries to Vietnam from 4 - 6 October 2022.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (5)

International Conference on Family Planning

The international scientific and advocacy community as well as policymakers and young people gathered in Pattaya, Thailand, for this flagship conference for which UNFPA was one of the core organizers. The conference set forth a platform to ensure the world achieves universal access to family planning by 2030. On this occasion, UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Director underscored in an opinion editorial the importance of countries investing in family planning that is anchored in human rights and choices.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (6)

Day of 8 Billion: Asian youth send a message through art

To commemorate the world's population reaching 8 billion, young people from Asia came together to send a message through art. With the support of UNFPA Asia-Pacific, YPEER Asia Pacific Center hosted discussions with over 60 young people from 15 countries in Asia on 15th November. Thai artist Supis Nui joined the discussions to turn the conversations into art.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (7)

Respect & Empower: Supporting survivors of gender-based violence

During 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence from 25th November till 10th December 2022, the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office launched a series of videos providing a glimpse into the day in the life of GBV service providers to raise awareness of the impact of gender-based violence on women and the efforts of frontline workers to offer essential and life-saving support. The videos are a collection of the strength and resilience of our partners on the ground as they serve to create a brighter future for survivors of violence.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (8)

Standing up for sexual and reproductive rights for all

On Human Rights Day, 10th December, UNFPA Asia - Pacific Regional Director, Björn Andersson shared a statement to underline the role that women from Asia and the Pacific region have played in shaping the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), as we countdown to celebrating its 75th anniversary next year.

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2022: A year of relentless work for girls and women in Asia-Pacific (2024)


What is the gender equality in Asia Pacific? ›

Only 30% of women in Asia and the Pacific are in non-agriculture wage employment, with only 20% in South Asia - the lowest among the world's regions. Nearly 50% of women in South Asia and over 60% in the Pacific Islands are still concentrated in agriculture.

What is the wage gap in Asia Pacific? ›

The gender pay gap for East Asia and the Pacific is 20 per cent, compared to 24 per cent globally. In East Asia and the Pacific (excluding China), 78 per cent of women (and 79 per cent of men) are in informal employment. Over a third of employed women and men are in informal agricultural self-employment.

What are the gender issues in the Pacific? ›

These include low levels of women's political representation; poor working conditions; violence against women; increased risk of HIV/AIDS and STIs; declining access to customary land rights and low levels of legal literacy about rights to land and property; and culturally-enforced discrimination and inequality of women ...

What country has the biggest problem with gender equality? ›

25 Worst Countries for Gender Equality
  • Niger. GII Score: 0.609. ...
  • Guinea. GII Score: 0.609. ...
  • Côte d'Ivoire. GII Score: 0.612. ...
  • Sierra Leone. GII Score: 0.613. ...
  • Haiti. GII Score: 0.621. ...
  • Guinea-Bissau. GII Score: 0.631. ...
  • Benin. GII Score: 0.649. GDI Score: 0.848 (Group 5) ...
  • Liberia. GII Score: 0.656. GDI Score: 0.860 (Group 5)
Mar 17, 2024

What is the unemployment rate in Asia Pacific? ›

Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. East Asia & Pacific unemployment rate for 2022 was 4.11%, a 0.05% increase from 2021.

Which country has no pay gap? ›

Gender pay gap per country (2022)

Apart from Luxembourg, Italy, Romania and Belgium had the lowest gender pay gap at less than five per cent. Among the EU's "Big Four," Germany (17.7 per cent) and France (13.9 per cent) had higher gaps than the EU average.

What is Asia minimum wage? ›

The latest Asia Floor Wage released in 2022 is 1600 PPP$ per month.

What is the gender disparity in Asia? ›

Of the 625 million children in South Asia, approximately 295 million (nearly 50 per cent) are girls. Heartbreakingly, most girls in South Asia have to constantly contend with patriarchal values and harmful gender norms that prioritize men and boys over them.

What are the gender equality issues in South Asia? ›

Key gender gaps in South Asia include:

One of the lowest rates of female labor force participation of all regions globally at 25.6 percent. Women are three times less likely to be employed in full-time jobs than men in all countries (except Nepal).

Which country has the most gender equality? ›

Iceland enjoys the smallest overall gender gap, according to the 2024 index, followed by other Nordic countries like Finland, Norway, as well as New Zealand. Conversely, gender parity in Afghanistan is deemed the most challenged.

What is the Pacific gender equality Declaration? ›

The Revitalised Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration (PLGED), endorsed in November 2023, reaffirms Forum Leaders' commitment to gender equality and social inclusion and reinvigorates political will to action gender equality and social inclusion commitments.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.