The Ultimate Solo Bedwars Guide (2024)

Good morning, afternoon, and evening to everyone! I noticed that there were no super in depth guides to solo Bedwars on the forums, and those few basic ones that existed were very outdated. Because of this, I decided to make the Ultimate Solo Bedwars Guide! I am an 800 star solo main, so maybe not the most qualified, but qualified enough I think, and since no one else will make one, you are stuck with me The Ultimate Solo Bedwars Guide (1). This is a more advanced guide, mainly because there are plenty of great beginner guides out there, but not many advanced ones. I will start off by talking about strategies, then move on to gamesense, followed by tips and tricks.

In this section I would like to talk about maps. There are many factors that make a map good. Here are the main ones:
1. Size

  • A good map is small, 32-48 block rush both ways, with a small to medium sized middle.

2. Safety

  • A good map is hard to get double rushed on, and easy to clutch on. There is nothing that specifically makes a map either of these, their are just certain maps that have these attributes and certain maps that don't

3. The Little Things

  • This one may be more opinion based, but good maps avoid things like weird build limits, carpets, random holes, and other things that can potentially mess you up.

With that out of the way, let's talk about which maps are the best to play on. I will mention the best maps, which fulfill all of these requirements. I will also mention other pretty good maps, which only fulfill most of the requirements, not all of them. I will also explain why the other good maps aren’t quite the best.Best Maps:
Yue Other Good Maps:
Aqil - Weird build limits around emerald gens, too easy to lose bed.
Arcade - Some weird build limits around emerald gens, and the parkour around islands is kinda weird, too easy to fall.
Blossom - Slightly too large imo.
Casita - Bit too large.
Crypt - Second rush is too far away.
Deadwood - Too easy to lose bed.
Dragonlight - Bit too large, especially mid.
Dragonstar - Double rushing is way too common.
Gateway - Tree is annoying when other people camp in it, slightly too large.
Hollow - Slightly too large imo.
Meso - Slightly too large imo.
Orchestra - Way too easy to lose bed.
Pernicious - Double rushing too common, bit too large.
Polygon - Too easy to lose bed.
Rooftop - Slightly too large.
Slumber - Weird build limits around mid, holes at base suck, too easy to lose bed.
Solace - The diamond gens are way too elevated, and getting to mid sucks, which makes clutching difficult.
Speedway - Carpets, just carpets, I hate carpets.
Toro - Slightly too large.
Vigilante - Also carpets.

Before I move onto the next section, just keep in mind that this is my opinion, certain maps may work better or worse for you. I also didn’t mention rotational maps.

Bed Defense:
For your bed defense, you should just use one layer of wool. You can technically use two layers of wool, or wood + wool if you really want to, but this typically won’t save your bed anymore than one layer of wool would, and is generally a waste of resources.

First Rush:

Slow Iron Maps:
Wait in the forge for 4 iron, buy wool, and make a 1 layer wool defense. Then go back in the forge until you get enough iron to make your first rush, buy wool and take out your first rush. Fast Iron Maps:
Wait in the forge until you have enough iron to bridge to your first rush + 8 for defense. Once you do, buy wool, make a one layer defense, then take out your first rush. General Tips:

  • If you don’t get the bed first try, buy the tool needed, a stone sword, and blocks on fast iron, or TNT on slow iron. However, try to only buy TNT on slow iron if the opponent has endstone or clay, if it's wood or wool, try to get it without TNT, and save the gold for iron armor.
  • Try not to bed trade unless you know your first rush is better than you and it is your only option.
  • Make sure to build up, you want to be higher than your first rush, not the other way around.
  • If you get the bed, but don’t final your first rush, make sure to get the final kill before doing anything else.
  • If you rush through diamonds, don’t pick them up, and then rush, because you risk giving them to your enemy. Either don’t pick them up, or pick them up and bring them back to your base.

Rest of the Game:
After taking out your first rush you should go get diamonds and bring them back to a base, I will get into what you should use them on a bit later. After this you should choose who to rush next. There is a lot that goes into this, too much to explain in a guide, but I will go over the basics.

  • To start off, you should look to see if any of your second rushes have gotten their first rush, if one has and the other hasn’t, you should rush the person that has gotten their first rush.
  • If both have gotten their first rush, then look to see if one is rushing you, if they are you should go for them. Otherwise, go for whoever took out their first rush quicker. If both are rushing you, you can try to defend and hope someone else rushes one of them, but it is often better to just ditch your bed and go middle.
  • If both haven’t gotten their first rush, go for whichever one looks scarier, or whichever one is in the direction you already went to get diamonds (this only applies on some maps).

After you have taken out your second rush, you should look to see if you are getting rushed by someone else, if you are and they are still far away, void, defend, and rush them back. If they are close, don’t void as you will lose the bed and be undergeared, instead just go mid. If no one is rushing you, just continue rushing in a circle. Repeat this until all teams are dead, or until you lose your bed. I will talk about what to do if you lose your bed later on.

What to Buy:


  • Wool - Obviously the most important, this will be basically the only block you ever use in solo, this is what you use to defend and bridge with, and is very helpful for block placements in pvp.
  • Stone Sword - This item is one of the best bang for your buck, especially on fast iron maps. It costs almost nothing, and is a massive upgrade over the wooden sword, allowing you to win way more fights.
  • Tools - All tools up to tier one are worth getting, especially on fast iron, I generally don’t recommend upgrading past tier one, unless you have a boatload of iron. Lastly, special mention to shears, they are super underrated and great in pvp. I will talk more about them in the tips and tricks section, but definitely worth getting, especially on fast iron maps.
  • Chain Armor - I only recommend getting this if you lose your bed and can’t afford iron armor, or on fast iron maps, if your first rush is good.
  • Ladders - There are people that use ladders, and those that don’t. If you don't, I strongly recommend that you start using them. They are super versatile, can stop fall damage, and counter high ground. Not sure if I can call them underrated, but not enough people use them.
  • Fireballs - Easily one of the best items in the game, and not for the reasons you might think. Fireballs aren’t good because they can knock people off the map, though they can certainly be used that way. They are good because of all of the unique uses they have, fireball jumping, double fireball jumping, hitting pearls to kill someone, or to let you clutch, etc.


  • Iron Armor - This is always your first priority with gold, unless you are super weak, <2 hearts, or have lost your bed, you should save gold for iron armor.
  • Golden Apples - Self-explanatory, once you have iron armor, I recommend having at least a couple once you get armor, especially if you don’t have a bed.
  • Iron Sword - Super good, super strong, especially if you don’t have a bed, but I would ensure that you have iron armor and at least one gap before getting this, unless of course you don’t have a bed, and can’t afford armor. This is because your first priority should be to survive, no matter what.
  • Knockback Stick - Super good if used in the right situation, especially against people more stacked than you, or if you don’t have a bed. However, please don’t spam these in every fight, use them if you don’t have a bed, are low, and/or are fighting someone way more stacked than you.
  • TNT - Can be used to move across the map quicker, and on slow iron maps if you don’t have tools, but typically not worth it unless you already have armor, gaps, sword, etc.
  • Water Bucket - Super underrated, you should always carry one of these if you lose your bed, especially on maps with elevation differences. Also good when running away, and against sweats by watering their defense, but this is more of a doubles/3s/4s strat, not so much solo, you can still do it if you want tho The Ultimate Solo Bedwars Guide (2).
  • Magic Milk - Great when invis rushing or against someone with obby, otherwise don’t get it.

This one will be more of an order of importance, what to buy first, second, etc.

  1. Miner Fatigue Trap - Most important, even if it doesn’t save your bed from being destroyed all the time, it will give you time to avoid a bad situation before your bed breaks.
  2. Sharpness/Protection 1 - If you have enough diamonds for prot 1, but not sharp, then get prot 1, otherwise get sharp. Most common situation is 3 or 4 diamonds at start, in which case you should get prot and trap, not sharp.
  3. Protection 2 - Next upgrade after sharp, same price, but not quite as good
  4. Heal Pool - Good to get if you ever have a spare diamond, but don’t prioritize it.
  5. Haste - If you already have Sharp/Prot 2/Trap, but can’t afford next level of prot, then upgrade haste, not as useful as in other modes, but nice to have if you get spare diamonds.
  6. More Protection - Once you have everything mentioned above, the only other useful upgrade is prot, so get that. I would recommend buying haste 1-prot 3-haste 2-prot 4 in that order.


  • Ender Pearl - This is the most important item for clutching, if you don’t have bed, and have at least 4 ems, and no ender pearl already, 9 times out of 10, a pearl will be the best option. Don’t use this item aggressively unless you have more than 1, save it for a situation in which you are about to die, and use it to survive.
  • Potions - All potions are super helpful. Best is jump, which allows you to get out of most sticky situations. Next is invis, which is great when trying to sneak past someone or hide, just remember footsteps exist, trackers exist, and tracers or ESP, exist. Speed is more situational, jump will almost always be better at getting out of sticky situations, however, speed can be good, especially on flatter maps. Speed gets a lot better if you are a pot pvper/uhc player/or play some other gamemode where speed pvp is prevalent, as you will be able to abuse it.
  • Bridge Egg - Super underrated, can get you out of sticky situations, get to your opponents base when they don’t think you can, and can be used for more advanced tactics like double fireball jumps, and clutching. Can also be used to start combos if you are so inclined.
  • Diamond Armor/Sword - I generally don’t recommend buying these unless you have a boatload of emeralds. However, they can also be helpful if you don’t have a bed and are being chased to a base by someone a lot more stacked than you, in which case quickly buying one of these may be your only option. Diamond armor can also be helpful if you still haven’t bought iron armor, and can’t afford it, especially if you don’t have a bed. Just keep in mind that other items will typically be more beneficial.

Lastly, just remember that I listed the best items to buy, the ones that you are most likely to buy in your games. However, remember that all items have some use, especially if they fit your particular playstyle, or if you are in a particularly peculiar position. Also, I didn’t mention rotation items, but just keep them in mind. @Melon has a great guide on rotation items linked here if you want to check it out.

This is going to be a bit of a shorter section, I am just going to talk about a few things you should be mindful of all the time, as well as what to do in certain situations.

What to be Mindful Of:

  • Always know where everyone is, keep track of who is rushing you, who is away from their base, who is getting ems, etc. If you can’t see the players themselves, pay attention to the color of wool blocks placed around the map; these can tell you where people are, and what resources they have gotten. You can also use chat to see who is fighting who.
  • Be aware of who has gotten ems, this can help you avoid being invised.
  • Don’t rush people with a lot of resources on you, put them in a chest or throw them out.
  • Don’t void if someone is fairly close to your base, they will break your bed anyway, but now you will be severely undergeared and will most likely die.
  • If you do void, make sure you have time to buy items before the rusher gets to your base, and make sure you ender chest items, or drop them in a hidden area where you can maybe get them back
  • Don’t take fights that you can’t win, if someone is more stacked than you, run away or get into a position where you can knock them off/combo them. Same goes if you know someone has a bow or a fireball. Don’t just push them, as they will most likely knock you off, be patient, get a pearl or invis, or wait for an opportunity when they aren’t paying attention.

There are a lot more things that go into gamesense than just these, but gamesense is something that you pick up from playing a lot, and I just included a few things that are very important.

What to do in Certain Situations:
There are far too many unique situations for me to cover all of them, but there are a few that I see a lot of people struggling with, and I want to walk you through how to survive them.

What to do if you Lose Your Bed:
This is by far the biggest thing that people struggle with. Many players think that once they lose their bed the game is over, however this is simply not the case. Because you are rarely at your base in solos, and you don’t have a teammate to defend the bed when you are gone, you will find yourself often losing your bed, and as such you must learn how to clutch games. If you lose your bed, your first priority is getting out of danger. You can figure everything else out later, but if you are constantly being chased, there is a good chance you will die, run away, go to an empty base, force whoever is chasing you to fight someone else, etc. After this, you should get gear, preferably iron armor, but if you can’t afford it, get chain armor + an iron sword/knockback stick. You should also go mid as soon as possible to collect emeralds, this could be before or after you get gear, depending on what situation you are in, and where you had to run away to. If you are running away and went through middle, it’s a good idea to pick up a few ems, then come back for the rest once you are out of danger. I will talk about what to buy with emeralds in the next section. It is also important that you collect diamonds whenever possible, this will allow you to win more fights, and control the game, even without a bed. I will also talk about what to buy with diamonds in the next section. Staying safe is the most important, don’t pick fights you aren’t sure you can win, play as passively as possible, and let everyone else fight it out. Lastly, be aware of where everyone is on the map, this can let you stay out of danger, and may let you get a free bed when no one is at base. What to do When you get Double Rushed:
Many people simply don’t know what to do when they get double rushed. In reality it is pretty simple. The main goal is to ditch your bed, get to safety, and follow the What to do if you Lose Your Bed section. This is because you will almost never manage to defend your bed from two people. Sure you may do it once or twice, but you will never be able to break one of their beds without losing yours, and eventually your defense will fail and you will die. It is much safer to ditch your bed, get stacked, and hope the two teams fight each other once your bed is gone.How to Counter High Ground:
Countering high ground is probably the number one thing that people struggle with in bedwars, but there are actually quite a few easy ways to do this.

  1. Ladders: These are amazing for countering high ground because they cancel knockback. Pillar up and place ladders as you go. If they have high ground on a staircase, and block you off, place ladders on their blockade.
  2. One Stacking to the Side or Backward: Many people try to counter high ground by simply pillaring up, or one stacking in the direction of the person with high ground. Although this works if the other player is far away, if they are close it will simply lead to you getting knocked off. This is where one stacking to the side or backward comes in. By doing this you can keep your distance, preventing you from getting jumped on, while also getting you on even ground.
  3. Fireballs: Fireballs can be super helpful for countering high ground, because by fireball jumping you can quickly get up to the same height as your opponent. Fireballs are also super helpful for killing someone that used jump boost to pillar up. Just be careful, because the other player can hit you in midair. If this does happen, at least try to get a hit on them to get them onto lower ground, and try to break your fall damage with ladders.

Tips and Tricks:
Credit to @DanntheCat for these! Basic pvp Tips and Tricks:
#1 Make sure you're playing on 1.8. Hypixel is a 1.8 server and playing on 1.8 will make everything so much better.

#2 Sprint reset to deal more kb to opponents, this is W tapping, S tapping, or block hitting with your sword every time you get a hit on your opponent.

Here are some videos on that:

#3 More on Block Hitting: Block hitting is extremely important for bedwars pvp due to one technique: Reducing damage. If you are in a gen fighting a player, time your block hits so that the opponent hits you when you are blocking and then you hit them back, this will reduce the damage that you take. It works really well if someone digs into your blockin.* Blockhitting is also used by some people to combo (I do sometimes), but W-tapping is just easier and more commonly used.

* I will explain blockins later.

#4 Jump reset: Jump resetting is when you time hitting the spacebar with exactly when you get hit. Doing it right will make you take a lot less knockback, but doing it wrong can send you flying backwards. I recommend practicing it to mastery first in boxing duels on a practice server.

Video on jumpresetting:

Bridging Tips:
Watch this video on how to speedbridge:
You can practice speedbridging on Hypixel. Right when you spawn in the Bedwars lobby, turn slightly to your right. And the practice NPC is right there you can't miss it. There are also other techniques you can practice in there, but speedbridging is what's most important.Blockins:
Blockins are when you place blocks around, and behind you while you break an enemy team's bed. A good way to practice this is by going into a singleplayer world, place down a bed and a defense around it. Then practice blockins there. You will be very slow and bad at first, but don't worry with enough practice you will get better.

Here is a video on how to blockin:

There are also a lot of great places to get tips and tricks. A few that I found really helpful are:

One last tip is to watch good youtubers play the game, look at the decisions they make, and then replicate them in game. Just remember, although this is a great way to improve your gamesense, it is not a replacement for playing the game.

I hope you found at least part of this guide helpful, just remember that no matter how much time you spend on practice servers, and no matter how much time you spend watching other people play the game on youtube, you actually have to play the game to improve. This guide is meant to help jumpstart people on their journey to get better at solo bedwars, but in order to use it effectively, you need to take what you learned in this guide, and practice applying it in normal bedwars. You will mess up at first, but if you play enough, you will begin to see results, so whatever you do, DON’T GIVE UP!

p.s. If there is anything I missed, got wrong, or should add, definitely let me know!

The Ultimate Solo Bedwars Guide (2024)
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